Do 20% popust na lete Qatar Airways ob plačilu s PayPal

Poznate varen način plačevanja preko interneta PayPal? Mi in še marsikdo ga pogosto uporabljamo pri nakupovanju preko spleta, sedaj pa lahko preko njega ugodno kupite tudi letalske karte pri družbi Qatar Airways in to z dodatnim do 20% popustom. Ker popust ne velja za najugodnejše promocijske cene v praksi lahko dobite le nekje 10% nižjo ceno od najugodnejših akcijskih ponudb, vam pa uporaba te kode da na voljo večjo fleksibilnost pri datumih. Npr. Benetke-Jakarta najdem namesto za 599€ za 552€, Melbourne za 950 namesto 1050€,…
Ponudba traja do 24.marca za lete do 13. junija (z izjemo velikonočnih terminov med 22.-31.3.) za odhode iz Italije, Hrvaške in Madžarske (od bližnjih držav). Nakupi na spletni strani Qatar Airways.
Celotni pogoji ponudbe na strani: Check Out With Paypal
Terms & conditions
- Sales period: 21 Feb – 24 Mar 2013
- Travel period: 21 Feb – 21 Mar and 01 Apr – 13 Jun 2013. Blackouts apply between 22 Mar and 31 Mar 2013.
- Minimum / Maximum Stay: 3 Days/3 Months
- Valid for itineraries originating from Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, France, Greece, Italy, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia & Turkey to a range of worldwide destinations on Qatar Airways operated flights only.
- Valid for Business and Economy Class cabins in all booking classes except promotional booking classes. Seats are limited and might not be available on all flights.
- Discount applies to air fare only. Taxes and surcharges, as well as all standard market surcharges which apply, are not eligible for discounts.
- Purchases can only be made through by entering the promo code “PAYPAL1” at the time of booking. Qatar Airways and Paypal will not be responsible for any fare differences if customers fail to enter the given promo code at the time of booking.